Join our International Guitar Summer School in Bovec, Slovenia

Monday July 29th - Saturday August 3rd 2024

Welcome to the Guitar Summer School in Bovec, an exclusive ALL EXPENSES PAID retreat designed for advanced guitar students aiming to refine their skills and perform in a serene, inspiring environment. Our intensive week-long program, running from Monday to Saturday, is tailored to foster growth, creativity, and mastery in guitar performance.

Here's what participants can expect:

  • Elite Instruction: Our curriculum is crafted for advanced learners, requiring an application through this website followed by an audition to ensure a fit for the intensive nature of our program. The school will be held in English. 

  • Daily Immersion: The schedule is carefully designed to ensure full immersion, starting with arrival on Monday and spanning through Friday, with lectures and concerts taking place every day in between. Participants are more than just attendees; they are active performers, with the week building up to a grand concluding concert on Friday night. Each attendee should plan to have at least 30 min of concert program ready for an evening recital. Saturday marks the day of departure, wrapping up a week filled with intensive learning, daily performances, and profound musical engagement.

  • Exclusive Opportunity: With a cap at 9 students, our program offers a unique, focused environment for personal and artistic development. Every accepted student receives free tuition, a scholarship covering accommodation and a stipend for food expenses.

  • Orchestra and Technique: In an effort to give back to the community, the instructors will work with beginner guitar students from the local area in a selection of free classes. All attendees are welcome to attend the orchestra and technique events, but they are not mandatory.  

  • Travel and Accommodations: Applicants are responsible for arranging their travel to Slovenia, with Bovec serving as the central meeting point. For those requiring assistance, our staff is available to arrange pickups from Ljubljana airport or other locations upon individual request.

  • Application Process: Prospective students must fill out an application form and submit a 10-minute audition video (existing recordings allowed). The application window is open from May 5 to June 1st, encouraging early submissions to secure a place in this coveted program. Apply here. Places are limited. 

  • Our Teachers: The summer school prides itself on its distinguished professors, with detailed biographies available here. Their expertise and guidance are pivotal to the learning and performance experience at the summer school.

  • Location: The summer school will take place every day at Bovec Elementary School, the concerts will take place every day at The Church of St. Mary’s, Bovec.

  • More about Bovec: here.

Join our international Guitar Summer School in Bovec Slovenia, led by the renowned Slovenian international guitar professionals Mak Grgic, Nejc Kuhar and Jure Cerkovnik. For more information on how to apply, including access to the application form and details on the audition process, please refer to the dedicated sections on our website. Join us for a week of intensive learning, performance, and unforgettable experiences at the Guitar Summer School in Bovec. Apply here and see you in July.